I wanted to do a craft that took my working with the Math Project into account. There is a craft that we use in class that helps the students and it involves a craft and math. This is the Origami Cube.
It is easy and fun.
What you need:
Origami Paper
1.First of all you need to select six pieces of colored origami paper. Try to use different colors so that the cube has more of an affect.
2. Fold each piece of paper into halves and then into quarters. Make sure that everyone folds slowly and accurately making sure that the folds are nice and sharp. Continue folding until all six sheets are completed.
3. Fold the top right and bottom left quarters to make a little triangle shape that reveals the colored side of the paper.
4. Next fold the outside quarters back to the center which shows mostly the colored sides but then reveals two small white triangles now.
5. You then fold the bottom right half of the paper up to the top, making sure to fold right on the edge and making a sharp and accurate fold. It now looks a bit like a boat shape
6. Fold down the other sidetop left downwards btowards the bottom middle. It should look like a parallelogram now.
7. Take the top flap on each side under the each side of the paper. You have to lift the bottom flap up and tuck the top flap underneath it unitl it makes a snug fit on both sides.
8. Flip the paper over so that the folded side is face down on the table. Place the paper vertically on the talbe. Then you fold the pointed side upwards and downwards on each side to form two triangles. When that is done, you fold the triangles perpendicular.
9. You should be able to place each finished side on top of the others as you finish folding them.
10. Now you ccan start to assemble the cube. Place all sides perpendicular to each other when tucking in the flaps on each side. If you tuck them in the same way then some flaps will be rendered usless inside the cube and it won’t hold together as it should. Keep insertiing the sides in the same manner untiil the cube is fully constructed.
11. When you are finished you should be able to roll your cube along the groud and it should hold together.