I was recently given the opportunity to review this product from CuddleUppets.
You ask what this is well. It is bankets that are puppets what a unique and fun idea. They cuddle and hug and wrap you in love. Your kids can play with you all day and sleep the night away. Just cuddle play and love. Cuddleuppets are your two most favorite things rolled into one.
Your kids will love to cuddle, hug, play. They will love these warm and fuzzy friends. Play all day and sleep the night away. It’s a warm and fuzzy friend at night and run and jump and giggle all day buddy.
Cuddleuppets are great travel companions when you going for a ride and a friendly pal to bring on a sleep over. The fun never ends with cuddle up friend’s. Cuddle cuddle uppets, cuddle cuddle uppets, blankets that are puppets.
Choose From 6 Cuddly Friends Brown Bear Pink Poodle Yellow Puppy Purple Monkey Blue Elephant Green Crocodile
The fun never ends with cuddle up friends!