I received product or other compensation for this post. My opinion is all my own and it is also truthful.
If you are looking for a unique way to proclaim love and care for that special person in your life? Use the universal language the flowers provide to us. Choose the colors, the hues that speak volumes of your eternal care and heart-felt feelings in a special bouquet, composition, or arrangement of your choosing.
If you are going after the reds and pinks and whites in a floral bouquet, check out Teleflora’s new Valentine’s Day bouquet selections! Each has been composed with a “secret” message to communicate to that special one person. Choose with an open heart. And your Valentine’s floral bouquet shall leave an unforgettable impression in the heart you are after.
Red Haute Bouquet
Composed with red roses, carnations, and delicate white alstroemeria, this bouquet is for the passionate ones! It is so tightly filled with flowers, each one of them is ready to proclaim your feelings in a powerfully colorful way!
Swirling Desire Bouquet
This bouquet will surprise anybody with a gorgeous selection of flaming red gerberas, roses, and hot pink oriental lilies. These flowers will bring joy for a long time, as they do withstand time in water well.
Mad Crush Bouquet
This is a heaven for those who adore deep red, almost purple, chrysanthemums and roses! The lavender accents of roses truly add a special touch. The metallic finish of the ceramic vase they will arrive in adds that exquisite feeling of adoration you proclaim to your Valentine.
Young At Heart Bouquet
This bouquet is for the truly young-at-heart! Light floral motifs of hot pink roses, pink carnations and purple alstroemeria create an adorable, charming sensation. The hand-applied rhinestones on the glass vase is that last touch that will get any heart race from a special feeling this bouquet communicates.
Check out every single floral bouquet Teleflora has got to offer this season!
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