You move an inch on your bed, and suddenly hear the wails of a thousand sirens. At least, that’s what it feels like. Your bed has been creaking and squeaking for a while, and it’s getting to the point where you need to do something about it.
What are your options? Well, you could spend a lot of money on a completely new bed – which isn’t necessarily a bad idea in some cases. Or, you could save money and make your bed last longer by coming up with some DIY fixes.
Keeping that second point in mind, here are a few ways you can fix an annoyingly creaky bed at home:
Tighten the joints
In around 80% of cases, your bed is creaking because the joints are loose. Now, they’re not loose enough to worry you about the bed breaking or collapsing. However, they’re slightly loose, creating more movement and leading to a lot of noise.
As a result, you should inspect all the joints and screws in your bed. See if you can find the culprit. If you can, attempt to tighten the screw. Sometimes, you can’t, and this indicates that the screw is faulty or it’s eroded over time. Don’t worry, find a site like, and you can find lots of screws to replace this one and stop your bed from creaking.
After doing this, test your bed – is it still creaking? If not, then you’ve done the job. If it is, try tip number two.
Cover the bed slats
The slats under your mattress are designed to help dissipate the weight of your mattress and you. Sometimes, they can start creaking because they’re old and worn. One way to prevent this is by covering them in fabric. You can use old socks or just sheets of fabric that you wrap around each slat.
Essentially, this protects the slats and can stop friction that creates a lot of creakiness. Once more, test this to see if the problem subsides. If it hasn’t, attempt tip number three.
Grease up the joints
This is particularly important for metal bed frames, but it can also be useful on any bed with metal screws or joints. Use a lubricant on the joints to see if this helps your situation. Sometimes, the joints are just a bit rusty and this causes the creaking.
Hopefully, a bit of grease will make things more fluid and result in less creaking. If your bed still creaks, what else can you try?
In all honesty, the next solutions are replacing parts of your bed or getting a new one altogether. Sometimes, your bed is creaking because it’s too old and should be replaced. If none of the DIY fixes work, then this is the case for you. Yes, buying a new bed can be expensive, but it should be an investment that lasts for many years, so try not to be too worried.
These simple DIY fixes can help you prolong a creaky bed for a long time, so always give them a go when the sound comes back. The moment these fixes stop working is the moment you need a new bed.