Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes is the second installment of the Disney Infinity franchise, which allows players to enjoy a selection of Marvel’s characters. It is a single player play set that can be completed in approximately six hours. The main story involves our heroes trying to stop Loki from taking over Manhattan and turning it into a frozen wasteland, with the help of an army of frost-giants. These missions include commentary between our heroes and some challenging moments.
Each character included in the Disney Infinity 2.0 starter pack feels unique, allowing two player local cooperative play; with figurines from the original Disney Infinity also payable. Each character also has their own unique special ability, which can be unlocked by leveling-up. Disney Infinity 2.0’s meaningful leveling system allows each upgrade to significantly alter ho characters will play.
Aside from the included Play Set, players will also have access to two modes-Escape from the Kyln and Assault on Asgard. Escape from Kyln is a loot adventure, where you make your through levels with a sidekick in order to find better loot than your sidekick will utilize to become stronger. The Assault on Asgard is a tower-defense mode where you use Asgadian objects to help defend particular items. Both modes offer interesting game play experiences that introduce more unique ideas than the Play Set adventure.
Disney Infinity 2.0 greatest offering is the Toy Box mode, which essentially the creation suite in-which players can use to create their own levels and share them with players on-line. I was impressed by how many options were availale and how technical related a Toy Box can be if you know how to utilize the range of items that are offered.
This game has been so much fun to play and find out more ways to use my super heroes in different ways and having fund doing it.
Disclaimer: I received this game to review, however, all opinions expressed here are my own.