I was recently given the opportunity to read a book titled the Orange Rhino-Yell Less Love More by Shelia McCrath , you might ask what this is book is about yelling and how much we do of it without realizing it.
The book opened my eyes to the situation around me and what was making me yell more and more.
I have to admit that before this book I was not aware that I did so much yelling. I guess the first part of any issue is admitting that you have an issue. I hate yelling so I don’t know why I do it This goes back to my childhood and adulthood, I would always tear up when someone begins to raise their voice to me. My parents never had to ground me or take anything from me, all they had to do was raise their voice a little and I was ready to cry. I was always sensitive and did not like the way it made me feel like I was disappointing them in a way.
Unfortunately, even in to adulthood and I went through losses in my life, I would still cry all the time, but then I would then go home and yell to alleviate the stress. I did not do it often but it was like an overloaded balloon that suddenly pops and makes everyone around me jump.
So what was it that made me lose it? Was it just that things were going wrong? Was it just that I felt life was giving more than I could handle? Was it that I have not gotten enough sleep? I went to bed and work up the same way-unhappy, annoyed and irritable.
Mentally I could acknowledge the blessing that I did have but I didn’t really see them or feel them, because I was too focused on the things that I had lost, my parents, sister and best friend. I was working, trying to go with my life and the pressure of it all, I had too many unachievable standards, and many to-do’s and never enough time.
The Orange Rhino is just the extra push I needed to make sure that I stopped yelling. I did what the book suggested, I purchase orange nail polish and put it on one finger on each hand, so I could see it. I started using orange post-it to leave little messages around the house. I started keeping track on how many days I could do without yelling. I created charm bracelets with orange charms to remind up of our days and that we are a family.
I found this book to be so helpful and it helps guide me when I am experiencing rough times and remember that all relationships don’t go well and I need to stop and think before I yell.
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