Disclosure: This is not a compensated or sponsored post. I was provided the product for review purposes only. All opinions expressed here are my own.
Tech bags are wonderful but they can sometimes be on the large size. Sometimes you just want a bag that makes it through the day and not have a bag that will weigh you down. That is why I was so eager to review the Urbana Mini Handbag.
There is a good chance that you have a couple of bags in your closet. If you are a person who takes work home then you have a professional looking bag and one to take all things. If you are like me, you might be lacking a smaller, more compact and more geared toward the essentials. There are times when you certainly want to be able to bring some of your tech collection along with you, but you don’t want a big bag. That’s why Moshi designed the Urbana Mini. Big enough to fit a MacBook but small enough to be comfortably tucked under your arm, it;s a bag that’s designed to get you through your day with the essentials and room for a bit more.
I got the bag in Pink. It is not a color I owned so I was excited to have it for the summer. One of the coolest things about the Urbana Mini is that there’s actually a large amount of storage in a bag that is only a little bigger than an iPad. This is a perfect bag, inside there are four compartments, two identical large ones separated by two identical, side-by side compartments that are heavily padded, which can be used to store phones and other quick access items. Moshi chose to make the liner a lighter color so you can easily find whatever you put in it. On the front and back of the bag, there’s two additional compartments, though they are small and flat. These could be used for holding things like papers and cards.
It is a great bag for someone who doesn’t have to tote around a full-sized laptop but still wants the ability to carry around an iPad or MacBook, a book, phone, wallet and keys. It is great if you are running out for errands or just looking for something that can transport your every day objects to the office or campus with you.
The Urbana Mini feels solidly made. The seams, zippers and fasteners all are designed to take a bit of a beating and outside of the bag is weather-resistant, helping to protect the electronics inside from the elements. This bag is a spot clean only and should not be washed by hand. You should regularly check for any dirt and remove it immediately before ruining the bag.
This is one of the best looking bags that I have reviewed. I love putting everything inside and just getting up and going. You are also going to love this bag. It is a great addition to anyone’s tech collection.
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