While many countries are were celebrating Christmas, most Latin individuals will have celebrated Three Kings Day. While everyone stops celebrating on December 25th, the parties continue almost non-stop all the way until January 6th when Three Kings Day draws the activities to a close.
Three Kings Day, also known as El Dia De los Reyes is a long held Latin American tradition. It celebrates the gospel account relating to the visit of the three magi or in this case the three kings visiting the baby Jesus. According to Latin culture January 6th saw three different men visiting Jesus-Melchor, Gaspar, and Balthazar. The first is believed to have arrived by horse, the second by camel and the third by elephant and they brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This is probably one of the most exciting days of the year for kids, since it is on this day that they receive their presents. According, to popular culture, kids place a box filled with straw, grass or hay under their beds. This is a gesture of good will and supposed to be used to feed the king’s horses while they rest as their owners make deliveries if a child is good, they wake up the next morning to find candies, sweets or toys in their boxes. If they were bad they will receive a lump of dirt or charcoal.
Young adults, enjoy the night with parties and fun. Their celebrations start right after Christmas and continue until Three Kings Day in early January. In fact, Dia de los Reyes party is the next big event on the calendar after Christmas, lots of planning goes into these celebrations.
Some of the most popular traditional foods are Three Kings Cake, Guava and Toasted Almond Tamales and Mango Ice Tea and others.
To celebrate the wonderful people at Vive Mejor® want to help you get the year off to a good start, so we are giving away a gift basket with some wonderful products including: Knorr®, Hellmann’s and Lipton Ice Tea we will also have some Dove products.
All you have to do is leave comment and follow me on twitter, instagram, pinterest, or facebook.
Please make sure to include your email so that you will be notified if you win.
This contest will run from January 10, 2015, to January 31,2015
Your can find these recipes and more for your Three Kings Day celebration at Vivemejor.com